When I connected my mobile and checked the ports, I found that COM7 and COM8 are available (COM7 to COM10 are for Bluetooth serial communication). So, if I use one of those ports for my usage, will it get conflicted with Nokia PC suite's?
I recommend not using virtual COM ports unless really necessary and instead using a Bluetooth API. My library 32feet.NET provides such an API, and thus one can use server code like the following. So much more robust that trying to set-up and use COM ports in my opinion... We even provide a Chat program in the samples.
Vb Net Bluetooth Serial Port
Novice (very novice) programmer, working in VB.net... I have read many different views about this, seams threading would be the best solution, but it's a little over my head at this point.What I am trying to accomplish is reading a line of data from serial port (Bluetooth). The length of the data is always the same, and always ends with CRLF (data is ASCII). I am reading data from a digital torque wrench, the user has to tighten 6 bolts with the wrench, each bolt sends a string of data through the serial port. I read this raw data, and extract from the string the actual torque value and save it to database. I have the database connection working I can read the data and extract the value I need. The issue is if the use has to quit reading for some reason, I cannot exit out of the event. I have tried adding a button that sets a variable to true (Dim BoolEscape as Boolean to "True"). Then added an Application.DoEvents() call followed by a check to see if BoolEscape = True then exit sub... From what I have read this doesn't work and never will.
There are various Android Program/Software to control your arduino bluetooth robot with your android. But you can not find one to use with your windows PC. So I program a LITTLE one In Visual Basic Express 2010. Hope it might be helpful as a resource to beginners in Visual Basic GUI Programming. And if you enjoy it please leave a feedback. I do my best in this first INSTRUCTABLES.
Click the Button "Bluetooth Test" and replace the code .This button click will recive a messege in consol as "OK" to confirm that bluetooth is connected with the device. Else "ERROR" to say something wrong in connection.
Just Check your initializing code for your BTModule. Configure the code according to the BTModule specs (Which BTModule did you use?)SerialPort.BaudRate = 9600 // Refer to your own Device Manufacture SerialPort.DataBits = 8 // Same hereSerialPort.Parity = Parity.None"lstPorts" is empty normally occurs when COM port is busy or the PC's bluetooth connection turned off or bluetooth is blocked by outgoing firewall policy.Check all the steps. Hope you will find the solution. Have a nice day.
Hi again,Thank you very much for replying...My bt is on & my computer is paired with the water cooling machine.I dont know the machine bt module spec.Anyway even if I did know, while running the code step by step,I can see that in the"Getserialnames" procedure, the port namesAre empty.Can You direct me to find why?Thanks
Hi again, Thank you very much for replying...My bt is on & my computer is paired with the water cooling machine.I dont know the machine bt module spec.Anyway even if I did know, while running the code step by step,I can see that in the"Getserialnames" procedure, the port names Are empty.Can You direct me to find why?Thanks
I think you have problem with your PC's bluetooth driver. So you can try to uninstall the bluetooth driver from your PC and Also re insert the dongle then installing the compatible driver for the dongle and Give it a try. Also check your program code for ATMEGA168PA MCU because you are using "Microchip RN 42 Series Class 2 Bluetooth Module with On-Chip Antenna". Thank You.
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On my laptop, using VB, I find two Bluetooth serial ports COM5 and COM6. I can communicate with the Bluetooth device on COM5 but when I open COM6, even though the open is surrounded by a try/catch, opening the wrong com port hangs the app. Only ctrl_alt_delete closes the app.
On my desktop, using VB, I find two Bluetooth serial ports COM11 and COM12. I can communicate with the Bluetooth device on COM12 but when I open COM11, even though the open is surrounded by a try/catch, opening the wrong com port hangs the app. Only ctrl_alt_delete closes the app.
In summary: Using VB, I can find two COM ports relating to the same Bluetooth device. On one computer the working Bluetooth serial port is the first one found. On another computer, the working Bluetooth is the second one found so I can't just pick the first one found. Despite the following code, opening the wrong port hangs the app.
After debugging the code a little further, it turns out that I can open either port but attempting to write to the wrong port hangs. The solution was to add SerialPort1.WriteTimeout=500 to allow for a graceful exit without hanging.
On the .NET framework one can use System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames to get a list of the existing COM port names. It does not provide any information however about what remote device the port is used for.
I've had a look at the serial ports on my machines with Bluetooth and can confirm that GetDefaultCommConfig() fails for virtual Serial Ports created by the Microsoft Bluetooth stack. It seems to work ok for Widcomm ports however. (I haven't tested BlueSoleil/Toshiba/etc.)
So it seems the best plan is not to use GetDefaultCommConfig() for the MSFT ports. To identify which ports are which stack, check the values under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM, which lists the COM port name as the value. If the value name is "\Device\BtModemNNN" then it's the MSFT Bluetooth stack. (Widcomm has "\Device\BtPortNNN").
This affects only the Bluetooth virtual COM ports. (The system also uses a USB to serial adapter for RS232 communication, and its virtual COM port is unaffected.) The Bluetooth virtual COM port names are correct in Device Manager, in the registry, and when retrieved via a PowerShell script and do not change after a reboot. They are corrupt when retrieved via System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames() before a reboot, but corrupted after rebooting. The problem persists after all Windows updates have been installed, and after the Intel Bluetooth driver has been updated to the optional driver provided by Windows Update.
Adding serial communications requires specialized knowledge that might be outside an individual programmer's expertise. For years, developers have relied upon the power and reliability of the ActiveXperts Serial Port Component serial communications control.
All ActiveXperts licenses are are perpetual, which means that a license is paid only once and does not need to be renewed annually. It allows you to use the software for as long you continue to comply with the terms of the license agreement.First year of Maintenance is included in purchase of a license. Maintenance entitles customers to use ActiveXperts's technical support services, and to receive all product upgrades, free of charge, during a specified Agreement duration.
I assume the reason it hangs is due to the two visible ports showing up in the list of COM ports. For the unresponsive port (COM6) in my case, GetObject() is unable to retrieve the PID or VID. Similarly for the other port (COM15), when the printer is OFF, no PID or VID info is returned and the GetObject() function hangs i.e. does not handle the error properly.
Other than forcing the client to uninstall and re-install Bluetooth printers each time they want to run the application, is there a better alternative to GetObject() or another way to finding which COM port a device with a specific PID and VID is attached to that is more Bluetooth Printer friendly?
The more flexible approach to do communication between two Bluetooth enabled devices, is to create a virtual serial port connection and freely exchange data over that connection. This can be done by the Serial Port Profile (SPP). The Serial Port Profile emulates a serial connection over the Bluetooth transport protocol RFCOMM.
Serial communication Library and RS-485 9-bit multidrop supporting C#, C++, C++ Builder, Delphi incl. CodeGear, Embarcadero RAD XE2 XE3 Studio, Embarcadero Delphi XE, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE, Visual Basic, LabView Serial Communication Library.
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